Monday, November 5, 2018

Final Night

Today was my final full day in Walnut Creek, CA.

Jason was still on Italy time, so he was up at 3 am. He ran out to get coffee at 5 am (he only drinks ice coffee, and never homemade), and then ran out again at 8 when I woke up, to snag me coffee, and bacon for both of us. Nice!

Sawyer had a soccer game and a basketball game spread over the day, so J & Stacie were in and out with him all afternoon. The NFL begins at 10:00 am on the West Coast, so I spent the day continuing to read "A Dance With Dragons" with football on in front of me. We had chicken fingers from Safeway for lunch, and deep dish pizza for supper during the Patriots demolishing of the Packers. It was a fun sit-around day, and I got to hang out with my little brother for a day. Saying goodnight (and good-bye) to the boys was hard, it was such a great week having them all to myself.

I packed, read for a bit, and then was asleep by midnight for tomorrow's 5:00 am wake-up (flight at 8:05 am).

Oh, and J & Stacie brought me some stuff back from their trip:

Some Italian instant coffee, a bar of Italian chocolate, 
and a journal with an Italian leather cover (they all smell awesome - haha).

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