Monday, February 12, 2018

Paperwhite Night

I went to Boston tonight to hang out with Erik and see new favorite band Paperwhite perform live at Great Scott in Allston.

I had the day off after I got a text from Julio at 8:30 am that today's 9:00 am truck was cancelled. A lazy day ensued, and after dropping off the manager keys to the Clinton FD store, I drove in the rain to Alewife, and arrived at 7:00 pm sharp.

Erik was waiting there, and we loaded money on our Charlie Cards, and jumped on the Red Line to Davis Square for a pre-show dinner at The Burren, a bar I've been hanging out at off & on since it opened in 1996. I got the Burren Burger with cheddar, bacon & mushrooms: a half-pound of amazing beef, with fantastic fries, and a Harp Lager. We hung out there for an hour, and then got back on the T: Red Line inbound, and then a transfer to the Green Line outbound on the B Train to Harvard Avenue stop at Great Scott.

We arrived just after 9:00 pm but the opener (Iyves) hadn't even set up yet. So I bought a round of beers (I had a Lagunitas IPA) as we waited. She came out and sang her lungs out, but most of her songs were too slow and chill to get me going. She had a powerful voice, and she was a sweetheart, but her music isn't my cup of tea.

Finally, after another beer Paperwhite finally took the stage. Wow. What an energetic gal! It was a 2-woman show (Isabelle De Leon supporting on percussion and miscellaneous sfx), but Katie Marshall totally killed it with her voice and her dancing. They played every song i wanted to hear, plus a few (good and bad) new ones, and they ended with "Only Us", my favorite. Followed by a one-song encore, "Unstoppable". The lights came up, I congratulated her on a great show on our way out, and we grabbed a waiting cab back to Alewife. It cost us twenty bucks, but shaved a good 40 minutes off our return trip. The drive home flew by. I was at my door at 12:30. What a fun night out...

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