Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Only Day Off

This is my only day off until next week, due to the events of the "Bossless 9" (see previous post).

I went to bed at 1:00 am, and wound up sleeping in until 10:00 am. I needed it. I had cereal & coffee for breakfast as I watched an old episode of "Face Off" and played "Clash of Clans". Before, in between and after, I took out the trash, washed dishes, and shaved my head.

More dishes & finished shaving my head while I was online playing "Elvanar" among other things. Lunch was cold pizza. It was in the 90's and humid all day. Got a couple of annoying texts from my manager too (just enjoy your 'vacation', will you?).

At 6:30 I showered and at 7:00 I arrived at the lake to hang out for an hour with a beer (Fort Hill Brewing Doppelbock), pretzels, an apple, and the sunset. I listened to "The Moon and the Melodies" and Tiny Fireflies "Nothing/2040", and as it grew dark, the mosquitoes had at me, including my right ankle and right cheek.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Bossless 9

The store manager is on "vacation" (she is using sick time to take a week off, since she has not earned any actual vacation time yet) through next Sunday for a Florida trip, so Maria & I are running the store until her return.

I did the schedule so we each get an evening/day/morning off, but we each also have to work a closing/double/opening to allow the other to get that span of time off. Also, due to the new girl (who had been with us nearly a month, but with whom I had never worked) abandoning her job, I had some key shifts to fill, and Arthur from my old store is graciously filling the two morning shifts (Tuesday & Thursday).

Today was the first day, and I worked 7:00 am to 2:30 pm. Already I got a ton of little projects completed that she had ignored for weeks. The DM is going to see who really works hard in this store by the end of the "Bossless 9"...

Friday, August 17, 2018

3rd Day Off

Not bad, not bad...

I slept in until 10 (didn't fall asleep 'til very late!), then had a banana for breakfast. I did laundry and dishes, then ordered Domino's for lunch around noon. I watched "Avengers: Infinity War" on demand, and then was online for most of the day playing games and watching a bunch of Season 7 of "The Office".

I made coffee around six after an hour nap. It was sunny all morning, but at 3:00 pm the skies opened up several times to downpours. Ma texted to say that Dad had his appendix out today!! Sheesh. It went well, and he will be going home tomorrow.

At 8:30 I showered (and cleaned part of it) and then went to Hannaford to foodshop and get litter. I changed the litterbox when I got home and then did more dishes & laundry (blankets & towels).

I work 10:00 am to close tomorrow so I'll go to bed at a decent hour...

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

2 Days Off

Yesterday: It rained off and on all day and it was incredibly humid too. I watched tv, hung out online, and didn't talk to a single human all day until my cashier at approximately 9:07 pm in the Hannaford check-out line. In between I made a scrambled hamburger sandwich with the last of the ground beef, the last of the 4-cheese shred, and two slices of multigrain bread. Supper was cold fried chicken from the food store. I fell asleep reading a chunk of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", after watching the first half of the recent "Jumanji" film.

Today: The rest of "Jumanji" during breakfast. Lunch was the rest of the fried chicken. At 3:30 I shaved & showered and then headed down to the lake from 4:00 - 8:00. No one else was there (though Sarah's crew had been there earlier, according to her reply to my first Instagram post of the day), and there were not a lot of boats racing around.

I had a 25 oz. Pond Jumper IPA from Flying Dreams Brewery while I read another big chunk of "Harry Potter". Then it was floating/swimming in my inner tube (and another small beer), and then more reading, with "The Moon and the Melodies" in my ears. What a great afternoon. Supper was Kraft Mac & Cheese while I watched sports tv and a shark movie called "Frenzy".

Sunday, August 5, 2018


Jason booked my flights for my California adventure, which takes place October 27th - November 5th. I'll be staying with Cooper & Sawyer while J & Stacie are in Italy (and Ryan is away at college). He is too funny: because I am taking the time off from work they decided to pay me $80/day plus whatever is necessary for household expenses. Wow.