Friday, August 17, 2018

3rd Day Off

Not bad, not bad...

I slept in until 10 (didn't fall asleep 'til very late!), then had a banana for breakfast. I did laundry and dishes, then ordered Domino's for lunch around noon. I watched "Avengers: Infinity War" on demand, and then was online for most of the day playing games and watching a bunch of Season 7 of "The Office".

I made coffee around six after an hour nap. It was sunny all morning, but at 3:00 pm the skies opened up several times to downpours. Ma texted to say that Dad had his appendix out today!! Sheesh. It went well, and he will be going home tomorrow.

At 8:30 I showered (and cleaned part of it) and then went to Hannaford to foodshop and get litter. I changed the litterbox when I got home and then did more dishes & laundry (blankets & towels).

I work 10:00 am to close tomorrow so I'll go to bed at a decent hour...


  1. I also decided to pass on the Pete Yorn show on October 3rd. It's solo acoustic, and $35. If it had been even ten dollars less I'd go, but I can't afford that extravagance at this time.

  2. Dad is staying in the hospital until Monday, as a preventative against potential infection. GOOD!
