Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Vet Time

Well, after a couple of weeks of lesser appetite, then a swollen cheek (tooth?), then a bloody abscess eruption all over the apartment, then a preliminary vet visit, and lastly, a five-day span of waiting, Chumble is at the Clinton Vet overnight tonight to cure whatever ails him.

Since his appetite and bathroom habits hadn't changed, I am hoping it's just a bad tooth (the antibiotic shot he received on Thursday removed the swelling immediately). However, because there was more blood than pus, the vet is checking to make sure there isn't some kind of gum tumor.

So he is overnight tonight, and tomorrow he will be back, and hopefully good as new! Poor guy...


  1. I picked him up at ten, and thankfully it was just a tooth problem. He had 4 removed! He got his rabies shot too. Left side of face & right leg shaved, nails clipped, and a follow-up visit in two weeks.

    I have to give him six oral doses of pain killer (every twelve hours) too. Just a spray, not an injection.

  2. The vet called today to let me know the biopsy showed no cancer or anything evil (*phew!*). We rescheduled his follow-up from next Thursday to tomorrow, so he can check out Chumble's poorly-healing cheek (he keeps scratching).
