Saturday, December 9, 2017

Winter Storm Benji

I woke up at 9:00 am, thinking I would be greeted by a Winter Wonderland outside of my windows, but alas, the snow was nowhere to be seen until around noon.

I had coffee & bacon for breakfast as I sorted through my photo box for old pictures from family trips at the tail end of the 1980's to Papoose Pond in North Waterford, Maine. I had the Music Choice jazz channel on while I searched, and it was actually the background to most of my day.

I was online in the middle of the day, online Christmas shopping and playing games. I worked out in between rounds. Supper was Ragu, angel hair pasta and ground beef. I watched a few episodes of "Friends" (around the Chandler & Kathy era, and the apartment bet). Then I dug out my Christmas decorations and put most of them up except for the lights.

It's around 8:30 pm now, and there is 4½"of snow in my driveway...

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