Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday Funday

I got up at 8:30, had coffee & cereal, and spent awhile in a Wiki-storm (reading pages & pages of tangentally-related Wikipedia entries). I went online for a bit, and ordered a couple of books off of Amazon. Cold pizza for lunch, and then I was off to run errands.

I went to Searstown to buy work shirts (2 x $7.99 = BOO-ya!). Then, since I was going to the post office in Westminster, I stopped at the lake for a few minutes to see the winter sights (see photos). Post office: I mailed the California Christmas box (finally!), and bought both regular and post card stamps for future use. And there was no way I was going to drive by Dad & Ma's house without a quick pop-in to say hi :) It was a nice round of errands, and a nice drive too.

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