Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Unusual Tuesday

Today began like yesterday (though it's the first of three scheduled days off, and not an 'injury day'): up at 9:00 am, then coffee & cereal. TV and tablet, then some more of "HP3", while a load of laundry ran.

At 12:30 or so I ran out to Hannaford because I needed bread, ½&½, coffee, and fruits & veggies. I also grabbed an apple pie half, and fried chicken from their deli. I made a few phone calls (scheduled a doctor appointment tomorrow for 8:45 am; gave a work status update to my DM; left a message with the accident claim department rep). Then after eating some of the chicken, it was a Wikistorm (reading and link-jumping on Wikipedia).

The rest of the day was more laundry (blankets), more tv, more reading, and in between, coffee (in my newish deer mug) & apple pie for supper.

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